
The summer before my freshman year at college, I attended the macroeconomics summer program at Barcelona Graduate School of Economics with a group of Ph.D. students and policymakers. I didn’t understand much of the complex math equations and macro models but fell in love with economics and public policy debates. The following summer of my freshman I worked at the ifo Institute for Economic Research in Munich, Germany as a research assistant.

Below are three independent economic research projects I have or am currently engaged in. The data and replication files aren’t attached, but I’m more than happy to provide any helpful information if you contact me.

Debt Forgiveness

Evaluation of Debt Forgiveness Programs After the 2008 Financial Crisis: A Synthetic Control Method Approach

For my senior thesis, I am now investigating the efficacy of large-scale debt forgiveness programs – a quasi-Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) policy – as a response to debt crises and recessions.

The 1918 Pandemic

How Pandemics Impact Tax Revenues and Inequality: Evidence from the 1918 Spanish Flu

My recent summer research project studies how pandemics impact tax revenues and inequality, in particular during the 1918 Spanish Influenza in the United States.

Monetary Policy

Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Switzerland: An SVAR Approach

My junior year independent economics research project concerns monetary transmission mechanism in Switzerland and the effects of monetary policy at the zero lower bound. I ran a structural vector-autoregression (SVAR) model.